Wednesday, April 2, 2014

NutriBullet Weight Loss Plan: Three Steps

Losing weight with the NutriBullet is completely possible. It all comes down to three things:
  1. Consistency. Make a plan and follow it.
  2. Healthy Ingredients. Use whole fruits and vegetables.
  3. Eliminating Bad Choices. Replace unhealthy meals with healthy choices.
 With these three steps, I guarantee anyone can go out and lose weight safely. This will not just shed off the pounds like crazy, it is a long term plan for long term weight loss (and health!). Let's break down each step in detail.

1. Consistency

Waking up day in and day out dedicated to losing weight is the most important part of losing weight. Think of all the broken New Year's Resolutions that are broken about getting healthy for the New Year.

With the NutriBullet, you have an easy to use blender that is designed for newcomers to the world of blending. Wake up each and every morning with a delicious tasting smoothie. Good choices build on one another.

Keep a log of how long you have been drinking smoothies. Time will literally fly by. Days will become weeks. Weeks will become months. Months will become years. Remaining consistent will give you the best health you've ever had.

2. Healthy Ingredients

Do not sabotage yourself with unhealthy smoothies. Avoid putting things like sugar, agave, or other artificial sweeteners into your smoothie. They serve no health purpose and will only add empty calories to your smoothie.

Use whole fruits and vegetables in your smoothies. You can never go wrong with bananas when it comes to smoothies. They are filling, but remain incredible for your body when it comes to healing and nourishing. Leafy greens are also a must. Add a handful of baby spinach to every smoothie to boost it up to the next level when it comes to nutrition.

3. Eliminate Bad Choices

In order to get healthy, you must remove the root cause of all the problems. Meat, dairy, and eggs do not positively serve human beings when it comes to nutrition. Oils, recreational drugs, and alcohol are all also detriments when it comes to achieving superb vegan health.

With the NutriBullet, it is no problem at all to replace a meal with a healthy smoothie. If you are used to eating bacon and eggs for breakfast, make the jump over to the smoothie. It is far healthier to drink a green smoothie, it is easier to prepare, and the flavors are far more satisfying than just a salty, greasy mess.

                                         Standard Recipe

 With this recipe serving as the basis for all NutriBullet smoothies, I am sure one could lose weight while still feeling great about the food being eaten.
  1. Start with 1 or 2 Bananas
  2. A Handful of Blueberries
  3. A Handful of Baby Spinach
  4. A Handful of Ice
  5. Fill Water to MAX Line
Blend for 15-30 Seconds or until everything is liquified. 

With this one simple recipe and the NutriBullet blender, you can make a weight losing recipe every morning for breakfast. I would still recommend eating something like a banana or two in the morning as a snack between the smoothie and lunch time if feeling hungry.

Following the steps of consistency, healthy choices, and eliminating bad decisions will serve you will in the journey of weight loss and better health.

Related Articles:

My Review of the NutriBullet

Blending Leafy Green Vegetables in the NutriBullet 

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