Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Best Brewers Yeast: 4 Product Comparison

Best Brewers Yeast: 4 Product Comparison

Brewers Yeast is a niche product little known to the larger American populace. As the name implies, the stuff is actually yeast, not being all too different from the stuff you buy from the store to make bread. What makes Brewers Yeast so unique is that it is a health food derived from the beer brewing process. Fun fact, nursing mothers often consume Brewers Yeast to increase lactation.

To use Brewers Yeast, just add a few tablespoons to your baked goods. Your food will end up tasting a tad bit more nutty, but otherwise the flavor of Brewers Yeast is quite mild. Vegans out there like to experiment with Brewers Yeast as a form of cheese substitute, much like its oft confused cousin, nutritional yeast.

Below are ranked the 4 Best Brewers Yeast currently on the market. No product is perfect, and each one has its own pros and cons.

1. Twinlabs Brewers Yeast

  • Best Bang for Your Buck. 18 oz of Brewers Yeast for a little more than $12. 
  • Nice Tasting. Brewers Yeast can scare some people off, you should go with the best tasting to avoid any issues with flavor and smell.
  • Nifty Packaging. Comes in a resealable jar. Best to refrigerate for a long lifespan.
  • Not Everyone Will Like It. Even with its superior taste, some will just not be able to eat it.

2. Lewis Labs Brewers Yeast

  • Gourmet. If you want the best tasting Brewers Yeast, go with LL.
  • Packaging. Comes in a nice and sturdy can that keeps moisture out.
  • Pure. Gluten-free and grown specifically as Brewers Yeast, not trash from brewing process.
  • Price. To pay over $20 for 12 oz is ridiculous.

3. Spring Valley Brewers Yeast


  • Easy to Ingest. As a supplement, all you have to do is pop it in your mouth and swallow.
  • No Cooking. If you don't like cooking or baking, no problem.
  • No Cooking. On the other hand, baking cookies with the yeast is half the fun.
  • Can be Bitter. No disguising the flavor here, you'll have to take it straight.
  • Mothers and Health Conscious Only. Gourmets have no use for the pill format.

4. Barry Farm Brewers Yeast


  • Lowest Price. If you are wanting to save a few bucks, this is where you will save.
  • Terrible Flavor. Widely reported as practically inedible. Consume at your own risk.
  • Poor Packaging. Comes solely in a plastic bag. Will require external storage.
  • You're safest choice will be the Twinlabs Brewers Yeast. Lewis Labs will not disappoint as far as taste is concerned, but the high price is a bit too much for my liking. If you are solely interested in getting the health benefits of Brewers Yeast, then the Spring Valley Supplements are your best bet for the money. Finally, just avoid the Barry Farm product.

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