Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tri-blade Vegetable Slicer By Spiralizer Review

Product Review: Tri-blade Vegetable Slicer By Spiralizer

Company: Amazon via seller Spiralizer

Price Range: $35-$45

  • BPA-Free Plastic 
  • Heavy Duty Construction
  • Japanese Stainless Steel Blades

Heavy duty construction that keep it firmly placed upon the counter top. Nothing frustrates me more in the kitchen than working with flimsy plastic equipment that can barely process the needs I have without shaking all about the kitchen. This is especially a problem in Spiralizing equipment as the cook is using a good deal of energy while spinning the vegetable to be spiralized. No such problem exists with the Tri-blade Vegetable Slicer By Spiralizer thanks to be 30% more sturdy than its competition.

Spiralizing vegetables is criminally underused in the vegan kitchen. Spaghetti is a staple in the American diet, and can easily be adapted for the vegan diet. However, spaghetti dishes even for vegans tend to be unhealthy having the pasta being made of white flour, loaded down with olive oil, and smothered in salty sauce. Replacing the blandness of spaghetti noodles with raw vegetables will yield a 1000% improvement in taste. No longer will the dish have to be drowned in an oily and salty mess. Flavors of raw vegetables will shine through and provide a meal experience based on pleasure, rather than stuffing a belly to capacity with a hot meal. 

For raw vegans, the Tri-blade Vegetable Slicer by Spiralizer is an absolute necessity. Monomeals are great on a raw vegan diet, but dishes more 'traditional' are needed on several occasions. 99.9% of the United States population will not understand a raw vegan diet, and a raw vegan should never compromise on diet in order to fit in. When a situation comes up for a raw vegan needing to feed others or providing an exciting dish to a dinner party, nothing works as well as a plate of raw zucchini pasta. Besides providing something incredibly tasty, everyone will want to see the raw version of spaghetti. Nobody will leave disappointed, not even the young kids who live off candy and McDonald's.

Zucchini is always dirt cheap when buying conventionally grown produce, it is also super cheap at Farmer's Markets and at organic food stores. The best source of zucchini, and any vegetables, will be the backyard garden though. As any gardener knows, zucchini is just about one of the easiest plants to grow during the Summer, and it always gives out tons of zukes. Eating all of the produce grown has been the traditional problem of gardeners growing the zucchini plant. With the Tri-blade Vegetable Slicer By Spiralizer, the home gardner will now be wanting to plant more zucchini plants in order to spiralize a side of pasta at dinner every night. Perfect when paired with home grown tomatoes that can turned into a fresh sauce.


My biggest problem is with the end of the spiralizer. After cutting the vegetable up, it will just fall off onto the end of the product. It can flow into a bowl if one is placed at the end and this is the best solution to do as catching your product for whatever you have planned for the vegetable noodles is best. It is just that some always seems to get stuck onto the plastic part. 

Be very careful when cutting things like beets. Juice will be leaking out of the beet like crazy. This juice is dark red and can look a little like blood when dried. Be sure to clean the Tri-blade Vegetable Slicer quite well. Even with the heavy duty design on this model Spiralizer made, it can be maneuvered easily during clean up. Also, if you eat raw beetroot, be aware that you will be noticing some red in the toilet bowl over the next 24 hours. Do not be alarmed, this will be due to the pigments found within the beet, and will have little chance of being blood. 


Spiralizer offers a "Risk Free" 3 year warranty on their product if any problem comes up. They claim it is a "No Questions Asked" policy, so it covers everything and anything that may come up while owning the Tri-blade Vegetable Slicer in the 3 year time frame.

The Amazon A-Z Guarantee is the best guarantee in the market. In the event that the product is not delivered, delivered in a broken condition, or is not meeting the quality expectations of the buyer, the item may be returned to Amazon for a full refund. A 30 day window exists to file a claim to Amazon over any problem that may come up with the product.
Value for money?

The Tri-blade Vegetable Slicer By Spiralizer is a huge deal for the money. Unlike most similar products on the market, Spiralizer did not go out and make a cheap piece of plastic to be put under the counter and forgotten. Daily use of this tool will not wear it down in any meaningful way. Nothing is more important in your life than your own health and well being. Replacing the unhealthy choice of traditional spaghetti with raw zucchini noodles will be one major step in achieving the healthiest diet possible while still retaining all the nostalgic memories you have come to associate with food while growing up. Flavor of the dishes will improve tremendously, and you may even save money purchasing and growing zucchini versus buying pasta noodles at the store. Overall, I give the Tri-blade Vegetable Slicer 5/5 stars.

Where to buy: 

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Vitamineral Green Review

Product Review: Vitamineral Green

Company: Amazon via seller HealthForce

Price Range: $56-$60

Who Would Buy This:

Those shopping for the ultimate health supplement, in other word HealthForce Vitamineral Green.

Purpose of Product: 

To heal all parts of the body through a nutrient dense, therapeutic green veggie product that is easy and pleasing to ingest.


All ingredients in the Vitamineral Green mixture have been optimally chosen for their specific qualities. Rather than just taking a super concentrated dosage of ginseng or of kale or of sea kelp, this vegetable blend covers a wide spectrum of plant matter. Given that the world operates on a basis of seasons and homo sapiens are migratory creatures, it makes sense to ingest different vegetables year round. If you were to just consume some sort of isolated vegetable meal, you would not be adequately meeting the needs your body has evolved to have.

Nutrient density and therapeutic properties are the key to Vitamineral Green. Since we already known concentrated forms of vitamins and nutrients can not be adequately absorbed by the body shown by evolution and pure logic (there are no deaths in the modern world related to vitamin deficiency, but there are problems associated with vitamin excess in the body). A green powder blend of such a wide spectrum that includes sea vegetables, grasses, root vegetables, probiotics, and traditional leafy greens offers the true solution for providing optimum health.

One of the great tragedies of the modern world is the focus everyone places upon concentrated protein powders. Perhaps an argument could be made that bod builders need a daily concentrate dose of protein to meet their needs. However, the common white collar worker needs no such thing. Even worse, almost all people turn towards some sort of animal protein, especially whey. All this shows is needless punishment of animals in order to consume a product that will harm a body due to excessive consumption of protein the body could never use.
This is a true superfood fit for everyday consumption. Rather than promising a ripped body comparable to the Greek gods, Vitamineral Green simply seeks to heal the body. As a natural basic compound food, this therapeutic green blend will balance out the highly acidic environment found in the Standard American Diet. For a vegan, this will help to repair the years of damage most vegans did to their bodies while eating SAD. For non-vegans, this is the perfect transition food to smooth the weaning off of animal foods as one embraces the whole food plant based lifestyle.

HealthForce Nutritionals ensures the highest quality products are delivered to their customers. All components of this green superfood are grown organically in mineral rich soil to ensure trace minerals are also present in the vegetables. Unlike practically all other supplement offerings, Vitamineral Green is made entirely of powderized dried vegetables meaning it is a real food. Another amazing aspect of the HealthForce company is that they package the green powder in a dark glass that creates a vacuum to ensure all nutrients remain 100% intact. Ingredients of Vitamineral Green can be found below:

  • Leafy Greens: Nettle, Dandelion, Chickweed, Moringa, Parsley, Yacon(Leaf)
  • Grasses: Alfalfa, Barley, Oat, Shavegrass, Wheat
  • Spices: Aerican Basil, Holy Basil, Ginger Root, Carob Pod, Amla Berry
  • Water Top Vegetables: Chlorella, Spirulina
  • Ocean Vegetables: Alaria, Bladderwrack, Kelp, Dulse, Laver
  • Enzyme Concentrates: Protease, Amylase, Lipase, Cellulase, Bromelain, Papain, Alpha-Galactosidase
  • Probiotics: L. plantarum, L. paracasei, L. rhamnosus, L. salivarius, S. thermophilus, L. bulgaricus
To consume Vitamineral Green, HealthForce suggests a newbie begins with consuming one teaspoon a day for a period of two weeks. The transition should increase to one or two tablespoons of this therapeutic green blend a day. Over time the user will be able to determine the amount that best suits his or her individual body. More than likely, a vegan diet that is pH basic and rich in leafy green vegetables will only need one tablespoon (if not less) a day. The portion of Vitamineral Green can either be drunk in straight water, or added to a green smoothie each day.


A large array of products if offered by HealthForce Nutritionals. While they stand behind Vitamineral Green as their premier product, they still sell other products that are somewhat similar. This raises the question as to whether or not Vitamineral Green is actually the "perfect" superfood. Certainly it is powerful, and one can always consider Vitamineral Earth to cover an even wider spectrum of minerals and nutrients, but this is not truly needed for a healthy vegan.


The Amazon A-Z Guarantee is the best guarantee in the market. In the event that the product is not delivered, delivered in a broken condition, or is not meeting the quality expectations of the buyer, the item may be returned to Amazon for a full refund. A 30 day window exists to file a claim to Amazon over any problem that may come up with the product.

Value for money?

HealthForce Vitamineral Green at 500g is a great buy for the money. Using a conservative 1 tablespoon a day, the entire bottle will last for three to four months. Health will improve noticeably, especially for those working on making the transition to veganism.

Where to buy?

Click Here To Buy: Healthforce Vitamineral Green V5.2, Powder, 500-Grams

Continue to read reviews here:

"Allow this product to change your life!" - Jamie

"Vitamineral green powder is a key ingredient in my daily superfood smoothie....(my version of medication)!" - S.K

"Best Superfood on the market" - J. Davis

By Mat McNeile


Friday, December 27, 2013

OXO Good Grips Stainless Steel Ratcheting Pineapple Slicer Review

Product Review: OXO Good Grips Stainless Steel Ratcheting Pineapple Slicer

Company: Amazon via seller OXO

Price Range: $15.99-$19.95

Who Would Buy This: 

Those shopping for a quality tool in the kitchen that can cut pineapples which the OXO Good Grips Stainless Steel Ratcheting Pineapple Slicer can do.

Purpose of Product:

To slice pineapples in an easy way and efficient way thanks to the OXO good grip technology that allows for the ratcheting process to glide down the core of the pineapple. 

Cutting pineapples just became easy with the OXO Good Grips Stainless Steel Ratcheting Pineapple Slicer. What makes this device better than all others on the market is the technology that goes into making it. With the OXO good grips made of a durable plastic, the cook in the kitchen easily can perform the twisting motion needed for the coring process.

Besides the grip, the main shaft composes the majority of this tool. Unlike plastic models, the stainless steel body is sturdy and made to actually do work in the kitchen. Real cooks use metal utensils in the kitchen, not plastic. Why should anyone out there accept a plastic tool to cut a pineapple? 

When it comes to the actual coring of the pineapple the steel teeth and steel ratcheting technology show an even greater strength of the device. With simple pressure applied and the torque power supplied by the cook through use of the good grips, the coring is a breeze. Down slides the pineapple corer and it slices the pineapple in an effortless fashion. Keep pushing down and down, and spinning and spinning, until the corer reaches the bottom of the pineapple.

Once the bottom is reached, pull up with a bit of effort and reveal the golden goodness. The cook shall find an evenly sliced sweet euphoria for one of the ultimate vegan pleasures. My favorite fruit of them all is perfectly ripe pineapple. Sadly, I went through most of my life not eating the fruit because of its intimidating shape and the difficulty in preparing it. Now though, I can let a pineapple sit on my counter and ripen up until I am ready it. In no less than three minutes the pineapple is ready to be eaten, and the waste of the pineapple is actually amazing to look at and throw out to the compost worms.


Finding out when to stop slicing is a problem of the OXO Good Grips Stainless Steel Ratcheting Pineapple Slicer. There exists a way to measure the pineapple against the Oxo tool, but this is difficult and often incorrect. This leads to the pineapple being sliced at the bottom and may have some chunky skin on it still. Through repeated use you will find out when exactly you need to stop, so eat more pineapple!


The Amazon A-Z Guarantee is the best guarantee in the market. In the event that the product is not delivered, delivered in a broken condition, or is not meeting the quality expectations of the buyer, the item may be returned to Amazon for a full refund. A 30 day window exists to file a claim to Amazon over any problem that may come up with the product.

Value for money?

Nobody needs a pineapple corer, knifes exist in every kitchen. However, slicing a pineapple with a knife is stupidly difficult and dangerous too. I can not believe I tried cutting pineapples before without the OXO Good Grips Stainless Steel Ratcheting Pineapple Slicer. For less than $20, this investment will last a life time and should be used for hundreds if not thousands of pineapples over a long, healthy vegan life.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Aroma Digital Rice Cooker and Food Steamer Review

Price Range: $29-$37

Discount: Save Money at Amazon

  • Non-stick Cooking Pot
  • Programmed Rice Cooking Settings
  • Easy Cleanup in Sink or Dishwasher  


Have you ever cooked rice on the stove top? Oftentimes this is a messy and time consuming experience in order to prepare a food as simple as rice. With the Aroma Digital Rice Cooker and Food Steamer cooking rice is as simple as adding rice and water to the Aroma pot, hitting a button, and leaving the kitchen until the rice cooker beeps to announce the rice is fully cooked. Nothing could be more simple than leaving an uncooked bowl of rice on the kitchen counter in the Aroma Rice Cooker and returning in less than two hours to a steaming hot perfect bowl of rice or steamed vegetables.

Many think rice cooking is the simplest task in the world that should require nothing more than a stove top and a pot. However, the market for rice cookers is extremely diverse with a world of products. From the Zojirushi brand of rice cookers that retail for hundreds of dollars a piece to the old pan sitting around in everyone's kitchen, the options seem clouded and endless. With the Rice Cooker and Food Steamer by Aroma anyone can afford an electronic rice cooker due to the reasonable price offered. Sold on Amazon.com for less than $40, the price required for this rice cooker is more than made up within a few months of preparing rice for an evening meal instead of going out to eat.

More than just rice can be cooked in The Aroma Rice Cooker and Food Steamer. The product clearly allows for white rice, brown rice, and steam food option as shown by the preprogrammed buttons set to perfect these foods in each cooking. However, the limits of what can be cooked in the Aroma are only limited to the creativity of the cook in the kitchen. Oatmeal is prepared in a jiff by using the white rice function. Presoaked beans cook perfectly on the brown rice function. Vegetables including potatoes cook up well on the steaming rack. To cook even more potatoes for a fuller meal, boiling the potatoes on the white rice function yields tender potatoes ready to eat in less than an hour.

From 2 to 8 cups of rice can be cooked in this model, and learning the proportions of water to any amount of rice is easy. The tables below show the cooking times one could expect for rice and the water needed for the rice: 

Rice Cookers FAQRice Cookers FAQ

Clean up is simple with the aluminum non-stick pot used in the Aroma Rice Cooker. After finishing a meal, simply use a soapy sponge and hot water to wipe out any left over remains of the meal. Along with cleaning the inside of the pot, be sure to wipe off the steam protection lid after a meal as well.


Occasional starchy overspilling is the greatest problem of the Rice Cooker and Steamer made by Aroma. This tends to happen if too much water is in the Aroma pot or if there is too much food trying to be cooked. By always measuring properly this can be corrected, and tends to never come up as the cook learns the in's and out's of the Aroma cooker. In order to not be bothered by a starchy mess, place a large plate underneath the rice cooker so that any spillover flows onto the plate and not onto the counter top.


The Amazon A-Z Guarantee is the best guarantee in the market. In the event that the product is not delivered, delivered in a broken condition, or is not meeting the quality expectations of the buyer, the item may be returned to Amazon for a full refund. A 30 day window exists to file a claim to Amazon over any problem that may come up with the product. 

Aroma offers a two year warranty on the rice cooker in order to repair any damaged or broken portions of the rice cooker. Information on how to contact Aroma is provided in the instruction manual and can also be found online through Aroma's website. 

Value for money?

The Aroma Rice Cooker and Food Steamer is an absolute steal for anyone seeking to make rice at home or steam vegetables easily. No excuse can now be made for not eating healthy and homemade rice as the digital functionality for a set and forget option. As one of the lowest priced rice cookers in the market, the Aroma Rice Cooker and Food Steamer offers anyone just entering the slow cooker market an easy option for fantastic cooking results in small amounts of cooking time.

Where to buy: