Thursday, March 13, 2014

Do Green Powders Contain Cholesterol?

NO, Green Powders Contain Zero Cholesterol.

Let me be clear, any vegan green powder will be cholesterol free. The only source of cholesterol on the planet is from animal products. With that being said, I do not recommend green powders being used as an alternative form of cholesterol lowering medicine. 

Leafy green vegetables are a super effective way at combating the adverse effects of a high cholesterol diet. The number one way to deal with cholesterol is to simply stop consuming the stuff. Cholesterol is not at all healthy to be consumed, it is in fact entirely adverse. With heart disease being the number one killer in the United States, we must all realize the dangers cholesterol poses to humanity.

Certain products like Vitamineral Green and Vitamineral Earth are especially healthful in my opinion. Many green powders on the market are super concentrated forms of single kinds of leafy greens. Vitamineral powders are a diverse blend of whole plants that have been dehydrated and then powderized. Rather than having your body being entirely flooded with a large dosage of a single kind of plant product, you instead get a rich array of vitamins and minerals. 

The most healing thing anyone can do for their body is to stop ingesting cholesterol, plain and simple. Green powders are not a magic pill that correct the problems of your diet. This is not a math equation where 1 + -1 = 0. No, the values of vegetables and meat are not equal. Animal products destroy a body in far greater proportion than what a body can do to naturally heal itself over a lifetime.

To conclude, the best way to improve your cholesterol score is to stop eating the things that give you a bad cholesterol score in the first place. A product like Vitamineral Green will definitely help you rather than hurt you, but it will not perform a miracle on your body.

By Mat McNeile

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