Wednesday, March 26, 2014

What Voltage Do Spiralizers Need? 110V or 220V?


All your spiralizer needs is a bit of self driven human power. No electricity required.

Countertop Spiralizers
If using a countertop spiralizer, you will need to twist the handle to spiralize the vegetables.

There are absolutely no electric cords required for these spiralizers. In fact, I have been unable to find any sort of countertop spiralizer that can be ran with electricity. Strictly speaking, it is simply too difficult to imagine how electricity would be at all useful. You want these spiralizers to stop on a dime.

Handheld Spiralizers
 These spiralizers are the simplest to use. Once again, no electricity is at all required. No batteries, just simple arm power required.

For these kinds of spiralizers, you will just hold the spiralizer and twist the vegetables into the blades. Pretty simple, nothing at all complicated.

There seems that no form of electronic handheld spiral cutter exists on the market, it would be too niche.

Julienne Peelers

 This should be obvious, the Julienne Peelers are powered entirely by human power alone. 

Scrape down with the Julienne Peeler and watch as the spiral shreds fall off the vegetables. Super simple and easy to use. 


No spiralizer on the market seems to be an electronic device. If you want to eat spiralized veggies, get ready to do some work!

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