Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Instant Pot IP-DUO60 vs Instant Pot IP-LUX60

Instant Pot IP-DUO60 vs Instant Pot IP-LUX60

  • Instant Pot IP-DUO60: The Instant Pot IP-DUO60 will end up costing you $20 or so more than the IP-LUX60 Model. For that $20 though, you will be receiving a third generation Instant Pot in comparison to the second generation IP-LUX60.
  • Instant Pot IP-LUX60: Save money by purchasing the Instant Pot IP-LUX60. You'll end up missing out on a few nifty features like an improved control panel and new safety features, but all the functions that make the Instant Pot great are still present. If all you need is an electronic pressure cooker, strongly consider the more inexpensive model.
Unique Features:
  • Instant Pot IP-DUO60: Improved Control Panel. Layout of the IP-DUO60 Control Panel is far less cluttered and everything seems much clearer to understand.  Extra Safety Features. The Instant Pot Company has added even more safety features to draw the accident rate down to as close to as possible to statistically impossible.
  • Instant Pot IP-LUX60: In all honesty, the IP-LUX60 Model has only been improved upon by the IP-LUX60. Everything present in this version of the Instant Pot has been improved upon in the IP-DUO60 Model.
Best for Whom:
  • Instant Pot IP-DUO60: 1. Those Wanting the Best. As of 2015, the Instant Pot IP-DUO60 is the best electric pressure cooker on the market. 2. Simplification Lovers. The new control panel on the IP-DUO60 makes far more intuitive sense. 3. Concerned about Safety. The Instant Pot is the gold standard in pressure cooking safety, and the IP-DUO60 has improved its features once again.
  • Instant Pot IP-LUX60: 1. Price Conscious. Even though a few features will be lost with the LUX-60 Model, the $20 difference is worth considering. 2. Lovers of Proven Classics. Thousands upon thousands of happy customers own an Instant Pot IP-LUX60, few ever report any sort of problem with their pressure cooker.
  • Both Models of the Instant Pot are fantastic products, you can't go wrong with either one. If you're willing to pay $20 more, you may as well make the upgrade to the Instant Pot-IPDUO60 in order to get the nice new extra features. For those of you just wanting a quality electric pressure cooker for one low price, go with the Instant Pot-IPLUX60 as all of the core features will be present, and you'll save a bit of cash with your decision.

Pros and Cons Instant Pot IP-DUO60


  • Control Panel. Make the cooking process even easier, but also find a few new cooking features for the adventurous cooks out there.
  • Safety. The Instant Pot IP-DUO60 has a few extra safety features to make the risk of accident near impossible.
  • Third Generation Model. Instant Pot's latest pressure cooker has improved in every way over its Second Generation predecessor.
  • Extra Cost. To get this upgraded model, expect to pay $20 more.
Pros and Cons of Instant Pot IP-LUX60


  • Proven Design. The Instant Pot-LUX60 is nothing to sneeze at. More than enough happy buyers will eagerly share their love of the Instant Pot DUO60 with you.
  • Price. Save a bit of money by choosing to go with the Instant Pot IP-DUO60.
  • Lacks a Few Features. Notably the old style design and the lack of the new safety components are what separate the two models.
  • Cooking Options More Limited. The Instant Pot-DUO60 offers a few extra cooking programs. Albeit, the most significant new program is the 'Yogurt' function, which is unappealing to vegans (any soy yogurt recipes out there?).

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Top Ten Green Tea Bags by Brand Review

Top Ten Green Tea Bags by Brand Review


Green tea lovers are always looking for the perfect cup of tea. As such, we're always eager to experiment with different brands to find what meets our own individual tastes. Many tea elitists will sneer at the idea of a good tasting green tea made from a tea bag, but the flavor and quality of green tea sold commercially has never been better. 

Below I will rank the top ten green tea bags by brand. It must be said, anything will have its pros and its cons. Thankfully enough, most of these teas can be purchased as your local grocery store, but I will provide links to for each brand. Test the teas out yourself and comment below if you agree or disagree with my conclusions.

  • Are you looking for a high-quality tea that can be purchased in bulk? Look no further, the Kirkland Signature Ito En Green Tea will satisfy just about any tea lover. Kirkland (Ito En) has provided a real pleasure here, customers are not being sold a second-rate product labeled in the broad catch all term 'Green Tea'. 
  • Won't Get Bitter. I definitely prefer teas that can stay fresh rather than go bitter if they are steeped only a little too long. 
  • Quality Bag. Everything about this tea bag is well-made, a real pleasure to know everything was designed to make the tea drinker happy.
  • Matcha Blend. Know anyone hooked on matcha tea? Now you can please the matcha desire with the convenience and cost savings of tea bags.
  • Fresh Taste. So authentic tasting that even native Asians will likely be pleased by the flavor of this tea.
  • High Quality Tea. If you want to drink high quality tea from green tea leaves that aren't residue, then rest confident in what Ito En is offering here.
  • Price. To get this quality, you will have to pay for it. From Amazon, it will cost you nearly $20 for this green tea. When shopping at Costco, it will cost only $13 or so.
  • Not Organic. Many of the lower priced teas listed here are organic, but Kirkland is not offering an organic product here.

  • Gunpowder Green Tea is one of the most interesting developments in the world of tea. Packing tea together in tight shot makes for flavorful tea that preserves and releases flavor to a remarkable degree. 
  • Jasmine Flavor. While I think Green Tea should stand by itself, jasmine is a light addition that does not at all compete with the tea flavor.
  • Excellent Tea Flavor. Gunpowder Green Tea really comes ahead in translating the deliciousness that should accompany all tea.
  • Not Bitter. Has a remarkable ability at not turning bitter on you
  • Price. Not as good as a deal of the bulk 100 tea bag sets. You won't be breaking the bank to afford this tea as you would with some gunpowder green varieties, but you may want to look into bulk tea for everyday needs if you are a caffeine fiend like I am.
  • Be Sure You Can Drink Jasmine Tea. My sister refused to drink jasmine flavored tea because she didn't care for the smell of jasmine being associated with food.

  • I would recommend Uncle Lee's Organic Green Tea as a standard daily tea for many tea drinkers out there. Based upon my research, Uncle Lee's can deliver you the absolute best bang for the buck. 
  • Price Savings. Amazon has a great deal for Uncle Lee's Tea, but Walmart offers an even better deal at less than $5 per box of 100 tea bags.
  • Mildness. Hard to ever get a bitter cup of tea. If you steep for more than five minutes, then the bottom of the cup will be full of bitter water.
  • Packaging. I really do enjoy the nifty little paper packages these tea bags come in. Some say paper will cause the flavor of the tea to be lost, I somewhat doubt it.
  • Lacking in Strong Flavor. To get a true caffeine push, you will likely need two teabags per cup.
  • Not Robust. You will get a one-tone flavor here, nothing gourmet. It reminds me of tea served at Chinese restaurants (which is fine by me).
  • So many folks love the Yogi series of Green Teas. Why is that? Well, Yogi offers teas paired with all sorts of complimentary flavors. Ultimately, it all comes down to the flavor of the green tea itself. Thankfully, Yogi is offering a nice flavored green tea. Think of it as a basic comfort food with nice spice and sauce combos added to enhance the original flavor of the dish.
  • Quality Flavors. All sorts of interesting combos paired with Yogi, blueberry is the most popular and most unique flavor combo.
  • Relax. Yogi seems dedicated to marketing their teas as health boosting and relaxing products, rather than pure energy boosters.
  • Coffee Lovers. Are you hooked on coffee or know anyone who is? Yogi teas seem to have a great success in weaning coffee drinkers off the beans and to the more healthy tea leaves.
  • Flavored. All Yogi Teas seem to come with some kind of flavoring or another. It is entirely possible you may not want your tea tasting like blueberry or mint.
  • Expect to Pay $1 More Per Box. Compared even to the slightly pricey Tazo, I always notice Yogi as being one of the more expensive teas on store shelves.

  • Tazo Tea fills a market American Tea Drinkers are desperate to see filled. On the one hand, we like the convenience and price savings of tea bags. On the other hand, we would like something that just feels more authentic than a bleached white blag that smells faintly earthy. Box art design of Tazo Tea always catches my eye as I walk down the tea aisle at my store. Presentation is half the battle, taste and price are the other half though.
  • Calming. While you will get a caffeine boost from drinking this tea, it also seems to offer a peace of mind somehow.
  • Quality Tea Leaves. Tazo tastes nice, apparently the company uses quality tea leaves in preparing their tea bags.
  • Tazo Seems to Care. It is weird to say a mass market tea is 'artisan' or anything like that, but Tazo products actually feel artistic and local.
  • Above-Average Taste, but Not Superb. While the taste is nice, I would not call it the best tasting tea you can possibly get.
  • Price Point. Not the best deal out there, but not terribly more expensive than better bargains.
  • There has to be at least one Japanese Green Tea on this list. True, Kirkland is actually a Japanese Green Tea, but it passes itself off as a mass market American tea. Imported Japanese Teas are somewhat of a novelty here. Unfortunately, just because it is Japanese does not mean it is superb quality.
  • Japanese. Amaze your friends with the idea of 'Japanese Tea'. If you have any friends who love Japanese culture, these tea bags make for a fun little gift.
  • Mostly Good. Nothing about this tea disappoints me. While I am not blown away by it, I would be fine drinking this as a daily tea.
  • Pure Tea. No additives, straight from the Asian heartland. If you want an unadulterated taste, this will make a fine choice.
  • Mediocre Flavor. While some rave, I say, 'So What?'. Honestly, this tea is not going to knock you down on your butt it tastes so good. Really it is just Plain Jane Tea in my opinion.
  • Some Japanese Tea Lovers Will Dislike It. At times it can seem like all tea is this way, but some people in the know of 'true tea' will be angered at the idea of this being considered top of the line stuff.

  • If you're looking for a middle of the road green tea, Stash best fits the description. Honestly, it is noticeably inferior compared to the Kirkland Green Tea, but only slightly better than the Lipton Green Tea. Now, the reason I am judging Stash so harshly is that it calls itself 'Premium', but I find it to be only average.
  • Available At Most Supermarkets. I can spot Stash Tea on the shelves of just about any supermarket in America. 
  • Fine as a Daily Tea. There is nothing about Stash that should disqualify it from being a daily tea.
  • Organic. Will meet the needs of anyone looking to just drink organic tea due to health or ecological concerns.
  • Okay, but Not Great. Nothing Stash Tea seems all that 'Premium' to me. In fact, the flavor of Stash is so mild I was somewhat surprised.
  • Can Turn Bitter. Be careful on those steeping times. Stash Tea can be slightly forgiving, but you should err on the side of caution with these teas while they steep.

  • Bulk teas are always worth looking into. Spending a fortune each week for tea is not possible for many of us. With that said, there often is tradeoff between flavor and cost savings. Prince of Peace offers one of the most affordable teas from, but doesn't earn the award as the most favorable unfortunately.
  • Price Point. Amazon will deliver this tea right to your doorstep for less than $8.
  • Mild. If you want warm water with a hint of flavor, and a slight caffeine boost, the Prince of Peace Tea will get the job done.
  • Weak Flavor. Some call it mild, others call it weak. Expect to double up on tea bags if you like your green tea to taste like something.
  • Bag Quality. Not that great of quality, a real disappointment.
  • If there was ever such a thing as a completely average green tea, it would be Lipton. Considering that average green teas cost close enough to the same price as good green teas, there is no real point in spending your money here. Nonetheless, Lipton has a devoted following and produces on an economy of scale for a reason.

  • Convenient. You're able to find Lipton tea just about anywhere.
  • Average Flavor. Drinkable, but don't expect to fall in love with the brand.
  • Cost Savings. 100 Bags for less $7 is a decent deal.
  • Bitter if Steeped Too Long. You really will have to time the steeping time, no more than a minute and a half should be used for this brand.
  • Better Stuff Out There. Don't make this your go to tea. 

  • Perhaps I just have come across a bad batch, but Bigelow really disappointed me. Now, I was not expecting a world class cup of tea from Bigelow, but the flavor was really off putting. It may just be that I enjoy steeping my teas a little longer than some, still though, something about Bigelow just didn't work with me.
  • Availability. I see Bigelow at every grocery store I go to, can always be at hand no matter where you are in the US.
  • Some Enjoy Bigelow. Many report liking Bigelow, perhaps it is for some and not others.
  • Steeping Time. I could never figure out the sweet spot for steeping time with Bigelow, it always had a bitter and strange flavor when I tasted it.
  • Packaging. Four tea bags come in one foil wrapper, this is annoying if you only want to use one or two tea bags at a time.

We live in a blessed age to have such great diversity in our tea selections. Even better, most of these teas are dirt cheap, allowing us to drink delicious caffeinated tea for only a few pennies a day. Unfortunately, quality really does differ between green tea brands. If you are ever turned off by a green tea flavor, try another. My own experience with Bigelow Tea was a bad one, but I turned to other brands and was overjoyed with their quality.

Look into Kirkland Signature Ito En Green Tea if you are wanting the highest quality green tea bags that can be bought at a reliable price. For even those new to green tea, head off to the local grocery store and buy a few different brands to try. You can't go wrong drinking green tea, it is affordable, healthful, and a pleasure to drink.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Best Brewers Yeast: 4 Product Comparison

Best Brewers Yeast: 4 Product Comparison

Brewers Yeast is a niche product little known to the larger American populace. As the name implies, the stuff is actually yeast, not being all too different from the stuff you buy from the store to make bread. What makes Brewers Yeast so unique is that it is a health food derived from the beer brewing process. Fun fact, nursing mothers often consume Brewers Yeast to increase lactation.

To use Brewers Yeast, just add a few tablespoons to your baked goods. Your food will end up tasting a tad bit more nutty, but otherwise the flavor of Brewers Yeast is quite mild. Vegans out there like to experiment with Brewers Yeast as a form of cheese substitute, much like its oft confused cousin, nutritional yeast.

Below are ranked the 4 Best Brewers Yeast currently on the market. No product is perfect, and each one has its own pros and cons.

1. Twinlabs Brewers Yeast

  • Best Bang for Your Buck. 18 oz of Brewers Yeast for a little more than $12. 
  • Nice Tasting. Brewers Yeast can scare some people off, you should go with the best tasting to avoid any issues with flavor and smell.
  • Nifty Packaging. Comes in a resealable jar. Best to refrigerate for a long lifespan.
  • Not Everyone Will Like It. Even with its superior taste, some will just not be able to eat it.

2. Lewis Labs Brewers Yeast

  • Gourmet. If you want the best tasting Brewers Yeast, go with LL.
  • Packaging. Comes in a nice and sturdy can that keeps moisture out.
  • Pure. Gluten-free and grown specifically as Brewers Yeast, not trash from brewing process.
  • Price. To pay over $20 for 12 oz is ridiculous.

3. Spring Valley Brewers Yeast


  • Easy to Ingest. As a supplement, all you have to do is pop it in your mouth and swallow.
  • No Cooking. If you don't like cooking or baking, no problem.
  • No Cooking. On the other hand, baking cookies with the yeast is half the fun.
  • Can be Bitter. No disguising the flavor here, you'll have to take it straight.
  • Mothers and Health Conscious Only. Gourmets have no use for the pill format.

4. Barry Farm Brewers Yeast


  • Lowest Price. If you are wanting to save a few bucks, this is where you will save.
  • Terrible Flavor. Widely reported as practically inedible. Consume at your own risk.
  • Poor Packaging. Comes solely in a plastic bag. Will require external storage.
  • You're safest choice will be the Twinlabs Brewers Yeast. Lewis Labs will not disappoint as far as taste is concerned, but the high price is a bit too much for my liking. If you are solely interested in getting the health benefits of Brewers Yeast, then the Spring Valley Supplements are your best bet for the money. Finally, just avoid the Barry Farm product.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Nutri Ninja Blender Duo with Auto-iQ (BL642)

Product Review: Nutri Ninja Blender Duo

Price Range: $200-$225

  • 1500 Watt Blending Motor
  • Preset Blending Functions to Automate Your Kitchen
  • 72 oz Blending Pitcher and On-the-Go Blending Cup
  • Recipe Books for Smoothies and Other Healthy Foods
140 Character Summary:
Is the Nutri Ninja Duo superior to the Nutri Ninja Pro? Not really, while it may be more powerful, the higher price is not justified.
  1. Power. The Nutri Ninja Blender Duo comes with a 1500 Watt motor, making it the most powerful blender in the Nutri Ninja Series. The Nutri Ninja Pro only has 900 Watts of Power in comparison. With all this power, you are going to be able to blend faster and more thoroughly than the lower-powered Ninja blenders.
  2. Auto-iQ. Make Smoothies and Puree with No Effort. Essentially, the Ninja Auto-iQ Technology works best as an automated smoothie making machine. The puree function is nifty, but you may prefer more precision while pureeing.When blending, the blender will tell you how much time remains until the blending function finishes.
  3. Blending Cups & Pitcher. The great On-the-Go Blending Pitcher is included with this set, and is the single best blending pitcher. You'll also find a 72 oz Blending Pitcher as well, to handle your larger blending needs like bean dips, icy drinks for parties, and bread doughs.
  4. Speed and Simplicity. Blending has become even more simple with the Nutri Ninja Duo, thanks to the onboard computer and timing function. While Ninja includes a recipe book, you'll be more than free to customize recipes all on your own. When using preset functions, just load your blending pitcher up and hit the button; in less than a minute your blender will have completed the cycle.
  5. Smoothies. Even though this blender comes with a 72 oz Blending Pitcher, this blender excels as a single serve smoothie machine. If you love to make smoothies bright and early in the morning, you'll definitely find the Nutri Ninja Duo an upgrade over almost all sub-$100 machines. Its power and smoothie function will liquify your fruits and ice to a great consistency in no time flat.
  6. Easy Cleanup. All blending pitchers, cups, and blending blade are dishwasher safe. Just rinse off your blender pitcher and blending blades in the sink after blending, and throw them in the dishwasher. Be careful around those blending blades; they are sharp and can nick you while removing them.
  1. Blending Base. There are a few flaws with this blending base. First and foremost, it is heavy, but still feels somehow cheap. Part of this is due to the fact the suction cups have to be used to secure the blender, even though it is already so heavy. Secondly, the metallic finish of the blender functions will smudge easily, which will annoy you, just give it time.
  2. Price. Costing $200 or more, the Nutri Ninja Blender Duo is truly not meant as introductory model. It sits in an awkward place, on the one hand, the Nutri Ninja Pro costs less than $90, and can make smoothies nearly as well as the Nutri Ninja Duo. At the other end of the spectrum, a Vitamix Blender can be purchased for near $300, and will serve you far better than the Ninja.
  3. Large Blending Pitcher. You're going to run into some unfortunate realities with the large Ninja Pitcher. First of all, it doesn't create a real vortex while blending, this means you will never get a 100% perfect blend when handling drier things like nut butters or bean dips. Secondly, its overall quality leaves a bit to be desired, the plastic build of it just feels somewhat lower quality than what you should be getting from a $200 blender.
  4. Blades. If you're familiar with the Ninja upright blade system, you'll find it once again in the Nutri Ninja Duo. These blades have two major faults in my opinion: they're removable and layered. Since these blades are removable, you'll need to remove them while cleaning which is dangerous. Along with that, it is entirely possible that the blades may fall out while pouring a beverage with the lid off. Secondly, these blades just don't have the proper design to deliver a perfect or even 85%+ blend.
  5. Lifespan. Perhaps this blender will last for a long time, but I have my doubts. The Ninja Company constantly pushes out new blender models, never quite perfecting and relying upon a standard issue. Following this line of thought, the warranty policy of the Ninja Company leaves a bit to be desired, especially compared to how Vitamix handles issues. Expect your larger pitcher and large blending blades to wear out, they have in previous blender models, so they will as they are the same recycled designed in the Nutri Ninja Duo.
  6. Unfortunately, the other Ninja Autp-iQ functions don't make a whole lot of sense, pulse is self explanatory, but the 'Nutri Ninja Blend' and 'Nutri Ninja Ultra Blend' will leave you with questions. Thankfully, Ninja included a 'Low', 'Medium', and 'High' setting for this blender.
Nutri Ninja Duo vs. Nutri Ninja Pro


  • More than $100 separates these two blenders. What exactly does all this extra money buy? Not much. First and foremost, the quality of smoothies made in the lower priced Nutri Ninja Pro will come out almost as good as the more powerful Nutri Ninja Duo. As an upgrade you'll find an underwhelming 72 oz blending pitcher and the Auto-iQ Technology.
  • Nutri Ninja Duo: The Nutri Ninja Duo suffers from having too many features. At the end of the day, the 72 oz blending pitcher just isn't good enough to justify a $200 price tag. Now, the on-the-go blending pitcher is the exact same as the Nutri Ninja Pro's, which is a good thing. However, Auto-iQ really is not that big of a deal as a more inexpensive Auto-iQ Ninja exists.
  • Nutri Ninja Pro: If you need a compact blender, go with the Nutri Ninja Pro. In an age of bulky blenders with tons of add-ons, a small and efficient blender is a relief for many of us. Blending is a simple affair, just pulse your smoothies until they're done.
Best for Whom?:
  • Nutri Ninja Duo: 1. Multi-Taskers. The ease of just pressing a button and walking off to do other tasks is nice. 2. Multi-Purpose Users. If you need to make both smoothies and all sorts of other blended food, the Nutri Ninja Duo will better suit you. 3. Ninja Fans. The Nutri Ninja Duo does offer a few new cool features, namely the interface of the control panel and Auto-iQ.
  • Nutri Ninja Pro: 1. Beginning-Mid Range Blender Fans. The Nutri Ninja is so simple a complete blending newbie could use it. 2. Price Conscious. At under $100, this blender is a great bargain for its powerful punch. 3. Smoothie Lovers. One of the most ideal blenders for smoothie lovers out there wanting to spend less than $300.
  • You will end up happiest by purchasing the more affordable Nutri Ninja. Assuming you're on the market for a mid-range blender upgrade, the Nutri Ninja will well suit your needs if you're mainly a smoothie maker. Now, if you absolutely need a large blending pitcher as well, the Nutri Ninja Duo is a fine blender to consider.

Value for Money? 
  • Unfortunately the Nutri Ninja Duo is not the best deal in the world for those out there wanting a blender primarily for smoothie making purposes. Compared to the much more affordable Nutri Ninja Pro, the features of the Nutri Ninja Duo just can't justify themselves for smoothie making alone. Now, if you are on the market for a smoothie maker and general use machine, the Nutri Ninja Duo will do an adequate job meeting those needs. Overall, the Nutri Ninja Duo receives a total of 3/5 stars.
Where to Buy:
Continue to Read Reviews at Amazon:

Best Place to Buy the Nutri Ninja Pro

Where is the Best Place to Buy the Nutri Ninja?

The results are in, the Nutri Ninja Pro is now the best performing blender under the $100 price range. But finding this blender at the store can not be easy. Oftentimes my local big box stores are sold out of the Nutri Ninja. If you have had any trouble finding the Nutri Ninja Pro, read below as I go over the best options I have so far come across.

Choice #1: Walmart
  • Out of all the stores selling the Nutri Ninja Pro, you will get the best deal from Walmart. Now, it may have just been a one time only Winter holiday sale, but I have come across Nutri Ninja Pro's at Walmart being sold as low of a price as $79.99. If anything goes wrong with your Nutri Ninja in the first few days, you can always take it right beck to Walmart as long as you keep your receipt. For savings, instant gratification, and ease, I recommend Walmart as the first place to check for the Nutri Ninja.

Choice #2:

  • If you are not lucky enough to find a low priced Nutri Ninja at your local Walmart, then I would recommend shopping at Only one downside exists for, and that is that occasionally Third Party Merchants will be the only sellers of the blender, and will charge a slight markup (no more than $10). Amazon will ship the blender right to your door free of charge in two days; what more needs to be said? Even better, Amazon will guarantee your product longer than just about anyone else should anything break.
Choice #3:
  • I only recommend with hesitation. The price for the Nutri Ninja from will not be as great as what you may find in the store ($79 vs $89). As a plus, you will get free shipping with your purchase. As a downside, it is not
Choice #4: Target - Bed, Bath, & Beyond
  •  Is Walmart out of stock and you don't want to shop online? Then go with Target or Bed, Bath, & Beyond. From what I have gathered, you'll end up having to spend $99 to get the Nutri Ninja from these stores though! Sadly, no secret deal for the Nutri Ninja seems to exist at Bed, Bath, & Beyond. If you have coupons, use them.
Choice #5: Everyone Else
  •  After Walmart and Amazon, I pretty much would lump everyone else together. If you want savings and a reliable return policy, neither Walmart nor Amazon can be beaten. You'll end up paying over $89.99 from any other retailer as well, which is a major downside.
  • Check your local Walmart first and foremost. If your Walmart is sold out or simply doesn't carry the Nutri Ninja, then go with All other retail options outside of these top two choices seem to have their own downfalls (price, return policy, shipping), so I would not recommend as the ideal candidate.