Thursday, January 23, 2014

Navitas Naturals Organic Protein Superfood Blend Review

Product Review: Navitas Naturals Organic Protein Superfood Blend

Company: Amazon via seller Navitas Naturals

Price Range: $10-$12

Who Would Buy This: 

Those shopping for a superfood to add to a smoothie to kick up the nutrition. Anyone seeking a raw vegan protein supplement.

Purpose of Product: 

To take advantage of a nutrient dense superfood. Perfect for adding to smoothies for any vegans and raw vegans out there looking for a natural superfood blend.


Boost your smoothies with a blend of hemp, cacao, and maca. All three ingredients are certified organic and still in the raw vegan state. Strengthen your body with the positives all three ingredients provide. Overall, this superfood provides a rich source of protein, antioxidants, and minerals. Consuming isolated concentrates of foods is dangerous, with the Nativas Natural Protein Superfood Blend, you receive three organic powders that will naturally interact with your body.

Many vegans completely give up the chocolate flavor when becoming vegan. I know that when I first became a vegan I did not realize cacao could be consumed as a vegan food. For nearly half a year I was completely fine without having chocolate and did not think of it. However, I ended up buying a chocolate cupcake from a vegan cafe to see what it tasted like. It was almost like my mind was blown, the chocolate flavor surprised me with memories of times long past. This was a one time treat though, it was far too unhealthy and really expensive ($5 for a single cupcake!). Nativas Natural is not offering a perfect recreation of the chocolate flavor with this powder, but it certainly comes close. The flavor here is much closer to a sort of nutty flavor, but it still has the chocolaty overtone which is more than enough to return me to nostalgic memories.

When drinking with a smoothie, I like to add half a tablespoon to a smoothie. For the most part, I want the smoothies to taste of fruit, and primarily of bananas. With only this small amount, I am able to taste the flavors of the Protein Superfood Blend in a much more subtle way than when I add 1 tablespoon or more. This small amount is more used for the purpose of making an extremely healthy smoothie. If I am making a smoothie in the NutriBullet 900 S, I will still add a half tablespoon. When adding more than this amount, I will usually just try to make the smoothie into a chocolate banana smoothie in order to remind me of another nostalgic favorite of mine in pre-vegan days, chocolate milkshakes.


Do not add more than 2 tablespoons if you do not want a very chocolate-y/nutty flavor in your smoothie. Perhaps it is just my taste buds, but I am too overwhelmed by the cacao flavor when adding anything more than 2 tablespoons of the Navitas Naturals Organic Protein Superfood Blend. I see no benefit in adding more than this amount.


The Amazon A-Z Guarantee is the best guarantee in the market. In the event that the product is not delivered, delivered in a broken condition, or is not meeting the quality expectations of the buyer, the item may be returned to Amazon for a full refund. A 30 day window exists to file a claim to Amazon over any problem that may come up with the product.

Value for money?

The Navitas Naturals Organic Protein Superfood Blend is a great buy for anyone looking for a vegan and a raw vegan protein powder. Flavor is good in the protein powder and tastes like a real food instead of something chalky. Nutrient benefits gained from this superfood blend are a great deal for the price of this product.

Where to buy:

Amazon - Navitas Naturals Organic Protein Superfood Blend

Continue to read reviews at Amazon:

"Still tastes good, just think buyers should know." - Casocorcoran

"Although the taste is distinct, it isn't overwhelming." - Bluestocking

"I'm not vegan, but I do appreciate the addition of protein in my breakfast without having to add any meat." - Heather

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