Saturday, January 4, 2014

Soyajoy G4 Soy Milk Maker and Soup Maker Review

Product Review: Soyajoy G4 Soy Milk Maker and Soup Maker
Company: Amazon via seller Soyajoy

Price Range: $140-$210

Discount: Save when Buying at Amazon

  • 1.7 Quart Capacity
  • Automated Digital Controls
  • Stainless Steel Construction
  • All Catching Filter Technology

No other product can compare to the use and ease of the Soyajoy G4 Soy Milk Maker and Soup Maker. Due to the simplicity, ease of operation, quick cleanup, and ability to produce a great milk, the Soyajoy G4 wins out in all categories related to making plant milks. Do not let the name fool you, this device can make all manners of milks depending on your individual tastes and willingness to experiment with flavors of milk.

Do not buy any kind of milk from the store again, make your own great drinks at home. And let me tell you, the soy milk made by this machine is heads and tails better than anything that can be bought from the store. Unlike the liquid bought in cartons from the store that is somehow both chalky and watery at the same time, the soy milk made from this machine is rich and creamy. All milks made from the Soyajoy come out tasting far superior to their counterparts bought from the grocery store.

Soy milk is made incredibly easy when operating the Soyajoy, so much so that you will be truly be amazed and ask why anyone would ever raise a cow for milk. First, you must soak your soybeans for at least eight hours before cooking them in the Soyajoy G4 Soy Milk Maker. Best practice for yielding the highest quality bean for milk making is soaking for approximately twenty-four hours and sprinkling baking soda on the beans as they soak. This will ensure the enzymes will be properly broken down when it comes time for cooking and all nutrients can be readily transferred over to the milk. Once the beans are added to the cooking unit in the Soyajoy, they will take about forty minutes to be fully cooked and ready for blending/serving. Use the leftover okara for a wide variety of vegan recipes. 

Making raw milks is the second greatest appeal of the Soyajoy G4 Soy Milk Maker and Soup Maker. After all, why not concentrate all your plant making into one kitchen device. Almond, flax, rice, cashew, and coconut can all be made raw. However, you will want to soak your almonds, rice, and cashews beforehand. Be sure to strain all your milks through a nut milk bag so you do not drink the gritty fiber. Do not eat raw rice leftovers, it must be cooked.

Multiple functions exist for the Soyajoy.On the other end of the Soyajoy G4 Soy Milk Maker and Soup Maker name, the device also makes soup. Simply add the ingredients to the cooking portion of the device and allow it to heat up. This is a nifty way to cook soup as it allows for easy pouring out of the soup while still keeping it piping hot. Silky smooth soups are best made without chunky vegetables in them. Finely pureed potato soup and tomato soups are the ideal candidates. Porridge is also a nice dish to cook in this kitchen gadget.

Cleanup is a breeze. Far simpler than attempting to clean up a blender used to grind up whatever plant is being made into milk. Always a big mess is made attempting to pour the contents of a blender into a nut milk bag. The Soyajoy G4 Soy Milk Maker and Soup Maker pours out very easily. Along with this, the device has been designed for lightning fast cleanup that takes only a couple of minutes.



When making soy milk, you must soak your beans. The biggest problem you will run into with the Soyajoy G4 Soy Milk Maker and Soup Maker will be forming a time table to always have soy beans ready to be cooked. If you are already a highly disciplined individual and already soak dried beans for cooking in a pressure cooker or other device, you will be just fine making the transition. Learning to plan meals twenty-four hours in advance is a skill. If you fail to soak your beans, you will not be able to drink soy milk in the morning. Raw rice milk is always an option though.


The Amazon A-Z Guarantee is the best guarantee in the market. In the event that the product is not delivered, delivered in a broken condition, or is not meeting the quality expectations of the buyer, the item may be returned to Amazon for a full refund. A 30 day window exists to file a claim to Amazon over any problem that may come up with the product.

Value for money?

Buying soy milk and other plant milks at the supermarket is a ripoff. Beans and grains can be bought usually at a price of less than $1 per pound. Raw nuts are much more pricey, but still far more economical than carton bought nut milk. With the Soyajoy G4 Soy Milk Maker and Soup Maker, you will be saving on the costs associated with drinking plant milk big time. Along with saving money, you will have control over the quality of the milk being made. Stop drinking that chalky junk from the store that is laced with sugars and all kinds of stuff, make your own pure milks and let the natural flavors shine through. Overall, I give the Soyajoy G4 Soy Milk Maker 5/5 stars.

Where to buy:

Amazon -  Soyajoy G4 Soy Milk Maker and Soup Maker

Continue to read reviews at Amazon:
"Easy to use and clean." - Doczuo

"The Soyajoy G4 soy milk maker is awesome." - Friend of Fred

"This company (Sanlinx) also has great customer service." - Valerie Boger


  1. what is the price for this in GBP (UK)

  2. On, the only soy milk maker I could find costs £68.00.

    If we are just talking a conversion of the model being reviewed, it sells for $140 on This comes out to £85. I have no idea what shipping would be like, but this model looks much better than the one I found on .

  3. I own a Soyajoy G4 for a year now and I love this appliance!! I make soy milk, almonds, and brown rice milk every week. Now I am going to try making coconut milk. It is so good to know exactly what you are eating and not all the preservatives and items that you can't even pronounce their names. It is also much cheaper to make at home and better quality since you can get your organic ingredients and filtered water. Mmm... I'm going to make some now!

  4. I had recently purchased this soy milk maker on Amazon for my wife. I am glad that we had a safe and convenient to use machine before us with advanced features. It is such as nice addition to the collection of tiny appliances in the kitchen we have. Thanks for sharing the information and nice reviews. Hopefully this will help us in operating the machine smoothly.


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