Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Omega J8006 Nutrition Center Juicer Review

Product Review: Omega J8006 Nutrition Center Juicer

Company: Amazon via seller Omega

Price Range: $270-$390

Who Would Buy This: 

Those shopping for a masticating juicer or slow juicer. The Omega J8006 Nutrition Center will meet all needs for anyone needing a mastication style juicer.

Purpose of Product:

To juice all manners of fruits and vegetables. As a mastication juicer, this Omega can process the hard skin vegetables (carrots, beets, celery), the soft skin fruits (pears, apples, grapes), and also the leafy greens. Juicers are meant to supply nutrient dense food for the produce you juice, this definitely does that.


Experience a whole new way to juice with the Omega J8006 Nutrition Center. Most juicers are centrifugal models that operate at high speeds. In these fast juicers, blades chop the produce until it begins to liquify and quickly separates the juice from the pulp. Masticating juicers operate on a completely different principle. With the single auger at the heart of the juicer, the juice is literally squeezed out of the produce and the leftover pulp is sent to a separate bin.

Juice quietly and quickly every morning. Using a loud blender or a centrifugal juicer in the morning while others in the house are sleeping is beyond rude. Taking back your health does not trump the sleep of others. The Omega Nutrition Center juicer operates at only 80 RPMs and is only 110 volt. Most juicers operate at least at 1650 RPMs, some even get up to 15,000 RPMs. Omega's low RPM rate will still produce juice quickly thanks to the efficiency of the single auger in the system.

Build your health by juicing all kinds of fruits and vegetables. Masticating juicers are the sole juicers truly capable of handling leafy greens. Inclusion of leafy greens in a juice will improve the overall nutrition of a juice to a far higher level. Of all foods on the planet, kale and collard greens are some of the most nutrient dense foods known to humankind. With the Omega J8006 Nutrition Center, you can throw these leaves down the food chute and out will come the green nectar of life. 

Retain fiber in your juices in order to drink the healthiest drink possible. The majority of Americans lack adequate amounts of fiber in their diets. More than likely, if you are not a vegan, you too are fiber deficient. Fiber plays a vital role in the human body, it acts as a slow burning fuel source, it prevents constipation, and it regulates blood sugar levels. Mastication style juicers leave bits of fiber in the juice. Your juice will still taste perfectly smooth and there will never be chunks in it, but it will be noticeably thicker than a juice made in centrifugal models.

Create all sorts of extra foods in the Omega J8006 Nutrition Center. Raw vegan ice cream can be made by running frozen bananas, frozen cherries, and whatever other frozen fruits you so desire through the juicer. Vegan baby food can be mushed up in the juicer and turned into an applesauce like consistency. Omega even includes a food processor attachment to allow for all sorts of chopped foods to be made, like salsa.

This is one of the easiest juicers to clean. Only four parts are required to be cleaned: the food chute, the single auger, the post-duct, and the collector bins. You must clean up the juicer parts right after juicing or else you will have little crusty bits on your juicer that will be incredibly difficult to clean in the future. If you are short on time, rinse off all parts of the juicer under warm water and throw them in a bowl of water in the sink for later cleaning.


You must cut up hard skin vegetables before running them through the Omega J8006 Nutrition Center Juicer. Things like carrots are not juiced as well in masticating juicers as they are in centrifugal juicers. Hard skinned vegetables are easier to chop rapidly rather than being squeezed when it comes to juice. With that being said, you can still juice carrots and celery, just be sure to chop it into bits.


Omega offers a 15 year warranty on the Omega J8006 Nutrition Center in the event anything were to break. Since the model is quite sturdy and the single auger is made of plastic, there should be little chance of any wear down occurring in the exterior bits. Omega makes quality products, expect your motor to last for at least the 15 years covered by the warranty.

The Amazon A-Z Guarantee is the best guarantee in the market. In the event that the product is not delivered, delivered in a broken condition, or is not meeting the quality expectations of the buyer, the item may be returned to Amazon for a full refund. A 30 day window exists to file a claim to Amazon over any problem that may come up with the product.

Value for money?

The Omega J8006 Nutrition Center is a great buy for anyone on the market for a juicer. Debate constantly rages between the centrifugal juicer side and the masticating juicer side. If you want a dependable and quiet juicer that can run everyday, go with the Omega Nutrition Center.

Where to buy:

Amazon - Omega J8006 Nutrition Center Juicer

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