Monday, January 20, 2014

NutriBullet 900 S: Milling Blade. Where is it? Why is it not included?

Many new buyers of the NutriBullet Pro 900 S are worried due to a lack of a milling blade with this latest model.

Here is the short answer to anyone wondering why a milling blade is not included: the NutriBullet company fully believes that the regular blender container can now handle the milling process all on its own.

Long answer:

The NutriBullet 900 S does not come with a milling blade because the latest model is now powerful enough to do the traditional jobs of milling in the regular blending container. Now, I do not necessarily believe this myself.

For anyone looking for a blender to be primarily used to mill things like whole wheat grains, or oat groats, or any single whole grain, then I would not recommend the NutriBullet. I have had great success with the Vitamix over the years when it comes to milling in a dry blender container. Let it be known that I mill very tough items like mesquite beans.

If you are just wanting a blender to make spices out of whole seeds. Then the NutriBullet 900 will work absolutely fine. It will also chop nuts well into small pieces. Furthermore, it is great when it comes to making oat flour out of rolled oats.


The NutriBullet 900 S does not include a milling blade. The NutriBullet company stands by the claim that the 900 watt motor is fully capable of milling items in the regular blending container, but I question that statement. If anyone is seriously looking for a blender capable of milling hard grains, then I can only recommend a Vitamix blender. The NutiBullet is great for a wide variety of tasks, but I would never attribute milling grains as one of them to it when I can compare the power of a Vitamix.

To learn more about the latest NutriBullet model, feel free to read my review of the NutriBulet Pro 900 Series. 

By Mat McNeile

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much! I was contemplating ordering the milling blade but now I think I'll save my $ for a Vitamix!


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